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Writer's pictureOak Knoll Lutheran Church

Council Update

Greetings to all OK members and friends! I hope you all survived the “Blast Furnace” weather we’ve recently had! We did not have a council meeting in July, so there were a few extra items discussed in our recent August meeting.

After approval of last meeting’s minutes and treasurer’s report, the following items were covered:

Old Business:

The earlier approved roof replacement over the preschool is planned for the first week in September. We budgeted for some electrical work needed during the replacement, but it will be less than expected.

On Sunday, the 27th, the youth will have a “Fire Pit and Chill”. Christina Black will lead this event with Liz Anema and Nancy Schloegel assisting.

The new speakers are in, and we’ve already had a couple of Sunday services enjoying them! As with any new project, adjustments are being made to get the best performance. Many members have already commented that the sound is better.

New Business:

There is a small pothole in the old section of the parking lot that will be taken care of shortly by a council member.

Pastor Michele presented a proposed landscaping plan and map for the parking lot islands on the east parking lot. The plan included plants that tolerate drought and pollinator plants. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to accept this plan and move ahead immediately with the prep work.

Fall Fest:

Fall Fest will be on Sept. 17th! Find information on our website. We encourage you to come and bring a friend!

CYF and Worship Plans for the Fall:

Pastor Michele asked a handful of families with children for their input on how to make this a better experience for children and their parents. The plan is to have the Sunday School age children invited to go to the Fellowship Hall after the Childrens’ sermon where large group/small group Sunday School activities would take place until the youth are called back for communion. This is a work in progress so please contact either Christina or Pastor Michele if you have questions.

The council is working on ideas/items to consider for our 2024 Stewardship. More information to come.

Adult Ministry Event at Erika and Peter Vickerman’s Home on August 9th:

It was a great time with wonderful conversations. Thanks to Erika and Peter for opening their home to us! More of these get-togethers are planned!

Community Meal Recap (August 3rd):

The evening was very warm, but the kids dance DJ, the grills, the fire truck, and the meal itself were a big hit! Attendance was around 150. The next community meal will be our “Trunk or Treat” event on October 5th. Stay tuned for more info.

Pastor’s Reports:

Pastor Michele is very involved with two Bible study groups. The first is the “Pew Sisters” women’s bible study and the Gospel of Luke will be studied. The second group is the “Curious Readers” study by email.

Pastor Jay thanked Pastor Michele for her incredible leadership while he was on sabbatical. He also praised Pastor Steve for all his work while he was our Interim Pastor. Our new Vicar, Bryce Bommersbach, was in attendance and the council members introduced themselves to him and he told us a little bit about himself. We are looking forward to learning more about him and welcoming him to the Oak Knoll Family! The plan is for his title to be “Vicar” instead of Intern. Both terms are used in the ELCA. Also happening will be the Youth Valley Fair trip on August 24th and Vicar Bryce’s installation on Sunday, August 27th.

Lastly, Beer and Hymns will be on the 30th of August at Boom Island Brewing at 7pm.

My sincere thanks to the council for their participation and insights! We have a great group of people serving. Also, a big thanks to our office staff and Pastors Jay and Michele! Oak Knoll is very much a “Community”, not just a church.


John Burman

Council President



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