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Racial Justice Mission Statement Help Needed


The Minneapolis Area Synod encourages each congregation to create their own Racial Justice Mission Statement.


Would you be willing to work with others from our Oak Knoll congregation to make that happen?


Here are the Components of a Racial Justice Mission Statement:

  • an acknowledgement of racial injustice

  • an acknowledgement that the congregation and/or its members have played a role in racial injustice

  • a recognition that our faith calls us to respond to racial injustice

  • an action to be taken - this includes who will do it and how they will do it


After coming up with a draft and asking for congregational feedback it will be presented to the Church Council for their input and approval. 


After approval, the Racial Justice Mission Statement will be used to:

  • shape new ideas for ministry and adjust long-standing ministries 

  • consider our community partnerships and examine our long-standing ones

  • be a touchstone in conversations about the culture of the congregation and visions for the future

  • hold church members and leaders accountable in their actions, decisions, and words

  • communicate values in our materials, gatherings, and website. 


If you would consider being part of the team that works on this statement, please contact




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