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Ministry Partner of the Month: ICA

Our March ministry partner of the month is ICA (Intercongregation Communities Association), a food shelf that has a mission to create a healthy and stable community for all.


ICA began in 1971 to distribute food and clothing to those in need. Now, ICA serves our neighbors through their “choice” food shelf, emergency food bags, food bags for students experiencing meal gaps, financial assistance, and skills and tools to obtain employment.


All funds raised for ICA directly support neighbors facing food insecurity in our community. Find more information at

MN Food Share March Campaign


During the month of March, people throughout Minnesota come together to raise funds and collect food for their local food shelves. Traditionally the time of year when food shelves’ inventory was lowest, the March Campaign has become the largest grassroots food and fund drive in the state.

Contributions of food continue to lag behind historical contributions. At the same time, ICA is seeing record numbers of families seeking help. According to a recent article by the Star Tribune, across the state we are seeing the growing need:


“The state recorded more than 7.5 million food shelf visits, breaking 2022′s record by more than 2 million visits — a more than 30% increase.”


Please join ICA, along with your family, school, neighborhood, business, congregation and community organization to raise funds and collect food for neighbors facing food insecurity in our community. We need your help!


Here's how you can get involved:


Oak Knoll will have a pallet in the Narthex throughout the month of March to collect non-perishable food donations. Our goal will be to collect 400lb of food in addition to monetary donations!


ICA is grateful for your contributions and involvement all year, but particularly during the season of March Food Share! Thank you for involvement in this campaign!




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