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LPGM Update

News on Our Sponsored Students in India


During the summer break in India from April 12th through June 15th, students returned to their villages to spend time with family and friends and to work. They helped with household chores and care for younger siblings. Some worked with their parents in the field for daily wages. The hours are long, the weather is hot, and the wages are very low or nonexistent for them.


Through our Oak Knoll sponsorship for students through Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM), however, we are breaking the generational cycles of poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, child marriage, child labor, and abuse so common for Dalits, the lowest social group in the Hindu caste system.


The students know that after the summer break, they have the opportunity to return to school. At their boarding home, they receive safe housing, nutritious food, health care, emotional support and quality education—thanks to you! They can dream bigger, strive harder, and reach further, challenging the cycles of marginalization knowing that our congregation believes in their potential and is willing to invest in their dreams by making their education possible.

As they begin their new school year, may we all keep in prayer our ten students: Saraswathi, Swathi, Devi, Thanishka, Kamalesh, Gokulraj, Ayyanar, Monisha, Meera, and Poovarasan.


You can write to them by filling out a form at the LPGM table in Fellowship Hall or by filling out our LPGM Contact Form online at

Thank you for your support for LPGM and our 10 sponsored students!



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