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CYF Faith Formation Update

Written by Christina Black, Children, Youth, & Family Ministry Director

New Sunday School Format for the Fall

Over the course of the summer, Pastor Michele and I met with several parents of young children to discuss how our Sunday school program is working for them. Our conversations were rewarding and full of good feedback. From our conversations, we explored options of how to best accommodate more families with busy schedules, while building greater community within our church walls. Our ideas took many turns, but we landed on an idea to try.

Beginning in October, we will hold Sunday school during part of our church service. How will that work? Children will start worship with their families in the sanctuary. Immediately following the children’s sermon, we will invite Sunday schoolers to join leaders in Fellowship Hall. Parents can stay in worship for the sermon and prayers, and children can return to worship in time for communion with their families.

As part of this format, we plan to incorporate one Wednesday evening a month for family fellowship time and so that Sunday school deep-dives across generations. We’re excited to give this new format a try, and we will re-evaluate its success later this year. We ask for patience as everyone gets used to moving in and out of worship service.

Luther Crest Success

We sent 21 youth to Luther Crest camp on Lake Carlos near Alexandria at the beginning of August. Eleven of those youth were in the Blazers program where they get to help lead the younger campers. All reports say that everyone had a good time. Thanks once again to the congregation for your support, both financially and prayerfully.

Christikon Revisited

If you would like a glimpse into the Christikon on-trail camp trip, take a look at the Christikon YouTube video created by Levi Black.

Enjoying Popsicles in the Park

It wasn’t as warm as expected, but several families still enjoyed popsicles in the park on August 21st. It was great to see a variety of ages at this event. Reach out if you have ideas for small get-togethers like this!

Riding the Rides

A few of our youth enjoyed a hot but fun day at Valleyfair! We rode high rides, fast rides, and a few rode the raft water ride. They also had the opportunity to meet Vicar Bryce, as he joined us for the day.

S’mores and More

What a great evening! We had one of the biggest turnouts for a youth event in a long time. We enjoyed pizza, games, and a fun time outside. We even had some additional adults join us to get to know the youth better.

Upcoming CYF Events

Blessing of the Backpacks and Devices—Sunday, September 10th

As we look to the new school year ahead, we welcome all children (young and old) to join us in worship on September 10th for the Blessing of the Backpacks and Devices.

God’s Work, Our Hands—September 10th

Immediately following worship, all families are invited to join us in Fellowship Hall for great hands-on service activities. We will be making sandwiches, burritos with Heavenly Burritos, and cards for the children we sponsor through LPGM and harvesting potatoes for ICA from our Sharing Garden.

Confirmation Parent/Youth Kick-Off—September 13th

Confirmation will kick off with a parent and youth meeting on September 13 at 6:30pm by the parking lot firepit. Confirmation is open to youth in grades 6, 7, and 8. We meet Wednesday evenings starting with pizza at 6pm until 7:20pm. Registration is open! Register online.

Fall Fest—September 17th

Join us for worship followed by our annual Fall Fest! We will enjoy Heavenly Burritos and fellowship as well as fall activities.

First Day of Confirmation—September 20th

Regular confirmation will begin with 6pm pizza, ending at 7:20pm.

Sunday School Parent/Child Meeting—September 24th

We will have a Sunday school meeting in the sanctuary immediately following service on Sunday, September 24th. We will discuss how the new format of holding Sunday school during church service will work and answer questions. In the meantime, registration is open! Register online.

September Youth Event—September 24th, 6:30-8:30pm

Mark your calendars and watch for more details!


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