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Writer's pictureOak Knoll Lutheran Church

CYF Faith Formation Update

VBS Was a Blast!

We welcomed close to 30 kids from 3 years old to 6th grade for Vacation Bible School in June. We had a great time learning how we can Shine Jesus' Light during all times in our lives. We shared Bible stores, science experiments, play time, and more—all centered around the Stellar theme. We also had a great crew of youth helping with snacks, leading games, and shepherding the little ones.

Get a glance into the week by viewing the video on our YouTube channel!

Youth Help at VBS

On the Wednesday during VBS, additional youth came to help lead games. After, we enjoyed lunch and social time.

First Campers of the Summer

Carter and Jason Moore headed to Luther Crest camp in Alexandria at the end of June. The rest of our youth will be heading there in August.

Upcoming CYF Events

Christikon Campers Leave—July 14th

It’s getting close! Sixteen youth and four chaperones will be leaving for Christikon in Montana soon. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they experience this wonderful trip.

Have Any Family or Youth Event Ideas?

We are always looking for new ways to get youth or families together. If you have an idea, please reach out to Christina at



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