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Council Update

Greetings to Oak Knoll members and friends!


We had our June council meeting this past week. We are enjoying our lighting improvement in the sanctuary and the outdoor services that the summer allows. The preschool is enjoying their new shade over the playground which keeps the temperatures cooler for the kids in the warmer months. We celebrated our neighborhood meal in May and committed to supporting our ten students at the Arcot Lutheran Schools in India through LPGM for another year!


The Grief coalition wrapped up three months of meetings at Oak Knoll just this past week. The Rummage Sale is taking shape as I type and we have a new screen/tv in the Rose Room for use during council meetings and other meetings conducted there. Plans for a new roof over the Sunday school and Gathering classrooms are underway and likely to take place this summer and fall.


The islands in the parking lot are blooming and beautiful as are the vegetable gardens. Thank you to all that have worked on those! Vicar Bryce has two months left with us before our new intern starts this August. He is helping to lead nine of our youth in an exciting trip this July to New Orleans for a National Youth Gathering. We are so grateful to him for all he has brought to Oak Knoll in this past year.


Wishing you wonderful summer days and evenings,



Erika Vickerman,

2024 Council President




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