Written by Bridge Pastor Steve Olson
So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19).
Now our time has come to an end. In May I came to you as a sojourner, a stranger and a guest, called to walk with you during Pastor Jay’s Sabbatical. Knowing that I was only going to be here for 13 weeks, it would have been so easy for you to let us pass through your midst, like a mist soon forgotten.
Yet, you welcomed Diane and I, as sojourners, into you house of faith, this household of God, and for that we say thanks. Your hospitality and welcome has been noteworthy. In fact, I have
told family and friends “If we lived in that corner of the city, we would be glad to call Oak Knoll home.”
This is a great church and there are so many things to celebrate. I am delighted that this church is so well used throughout the week. You are truly a center of this community.
You are also a church that is actively nurturing our future leaders through your education programs, your outdoor ministries in partnership with Luthercrest and Christikon and your partnership with our seminary through the internship program.
I have often said I learned more about being a partner on internship than I ever learned in a seminary classroom. So, on behalf of the larger church, thank you for your ministry in shaping the future pastors of our church.
Thank you also for your partnership in supporting the work of our larger church through your mission and benevolence giving to support our synodical, national and international ministries. I was one of the recipients of that support when I was called to plant a new church in Barrie, Ontario and before that to redevelop a church in Cornwall, Ontario. I also know pastors who are carrying on those same ministries here in the states today, thanks in no small measure to the faithful work of churches like Oak Knoll.
So may God continue to bless you and keep you, may our Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious onto you and may our Lord look upon you with favor and grant you peace.
Pastor Steve