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Oak Knoll Christian Preschool & Childcare - February 2025

In January we welcomed our preschoolers back from Christmas break and settled back in to our school routine. The children had a few days where we were able to get outside and enjoy the snow before the cold settled in.


Inside our warm classrooms, we learned about arctic animals, snow and ice through art experiences, science, group time and dramatic play.

Last month we started preschool and child care registration for current and new families. Many of our new families have heard about our program from current or former families that have attended. We still have a few openings in our older classroom for 4/5 year olds and in our younger classroom for 2/3 year olds, if you are interested in preschool options for fall contact Kathryn Glorvick at

Next month we will celebrate Valentine’s Day with classroom parties, and we will focus on learning about health and wellness. We will have a pediatric dentist visit our program from Golden Valley Kids Dentistry and share with the children the importance of good dental health. We will also welcome a pediatric nurse from Children’s Hospital to our program to talk to us about ways to keep our bodies healthy and share a special story with us. In February, teachers will also be preparing for parent-teacher conferences in the first part of March.



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Oak Knoll Lutheran Church

600 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka, MN 55305   

Church Office: 952-546-5433 

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