Written by Matt Cerar, Music Director
We are heading toward the end of 2024 already, and I hope that you’ve enjoyed the first few months of this new season of music at Oak Knoll.
Anyone is welcome and encouraged to join the Oak Knoll Choir (especially any Sopranos out there). We rehearse on Wednesdays during the school year from 7-8:30pm and sing about two Sundays a month. A full year singing schedule is available if you are interested. Please attend as much or as little as you’d like! If easier, you can choose to participate for a few months to try it out:
November – December (ending with Christmas eve)
January – April (ending with Easter)
April – June (ending with Pentecost)
November will bring more wonderful music to our Sunday services! The Oak Knoll choir will sing on the 3rd and the 24th, the Sunday Schoolers will sing a few numbers we have been working on during the November 10th service, and our Saxophone ensemble will provide special music on the 17th. If you or your child play an instrument and would like to add on to the joy of making music, please let me know!