Written by Matt Cerar, Music Director
March will bring about some of the most beautiful music of the year (in my humble opinion). Our Lenten Wednesday evening services feature Holden Evening Prayer and Compline in a rotating order featuring some of our Oak Knoll cantors.
As we approach Holy Week, the Oak Knoll choir will perform an array of stunning pieces of music for Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday services. Brass and percussion will join us at our Easter services, which will be sure to be a beautiful day.
Our Sunday Schoolers have been hard at work learning some new songs that they will share at our March 10th service – some music will then be incorporated throughout Sunday services so that our youth can help to lead and participate in Sunday worship.
The vocal choir will sing at both Easter Sunday services, as well as Palm Sunday and Good Friday this year.
If you are interested in participating in any type of music offering for Holy Week, please let me know!