Oak Knoll Christian Preschool & Childcare (OKCP) is dedicated to providing a high quality Christ-centered early childhood program. They offer a play-based program that focuses on the social, emotional, cognitive, physical, language and spiritual development of children. Their highly qualified staff provides instruction in a caring and nurturing environment for children to grow in all aspects of life! Learning experiences are both teacher led and child guided, and reflect the child's interests. They often have fun seasonal programs and lessons such as “Jammin’ with Jesus” and our annual Spring Sing!
OKCP is licensed by the Department of Human Services which assures that high standards have been met for staff, curriculum, equipment and space. Oak Knoll Christian Preschool & Child Care is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). They are also a 4-star member of Parent Aware. The 4-star rating is the highest rating a program can achieve.
OKCP is currently in need of donations to put towards a new outdoor shed. They are hoping to raise $5,000 for this cause so that they may provide safer storage for equipment, games, and other outdoor activities. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated by the OKCP staff and families!
You can donate to OKCP by giving in person at Oak Knoll or online at oklutheran.org/give-online.
Find out more about Oak Knoll Christian Preschool & Childcare at oklutheran.org/preschool.