An estimated 6,000 youth experience homelessness on any given night in Minnesota. About half of these youth live in the Twin Cities area. They live on the street with just a backpack or nothing at all. Through Lutheran Social Services, we reach out to homeless youth.
Winters are cold in Minnesota and being homeless is a chilling experience. That’s why we want to help keep everyone warm this winter.
Through Oak Knoll we are collecting hats, gloves, scarves, socks and underwear for homeless youth. LSS works through several organizations to reach out to these youth who otherwise would have no place to live.
Donations needed are fresh, clean, and warm socks and underwear (thermal or regular) for both males and females of all sizes, as well as hats, gloves and scarves.
Drop off your donations in the baskets near the Welcome Desk in the Narthex beginning.
Donations will be accepted in the baskets near the Welcome Desk in the Narthex beginning Sunday, December 3rd through Sunday, January 7th.
Mitten Tree
We will be accepting mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves for all ages between Sunday,
November 26th through December 31st in Fellowship Hall. Collections will be donated to Lutheran Social Services.