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CYF Faith Formation Update

Writer's picture: Oak Knoll Lutheran ChurchOak Knoll Lutheran Church

Written by Christina Black, Children, Youth, and Family Ministry Director

Youth Activities Showcase

You may have noticed a new section in the Sunday bulletin called Youth Activities Showcase. As part of our way to celebrate and support our youth, we want to showcase their talents and gifts. Our hope is our members will see an event that is of interest and attend the event to cheer on the youth. Parents and youth—if you have an upcoming event, please let me know! Email

Youth Night—Feed My Starving Children

We had a small but powerful team show up to Feed My Starving Children for youth night. Together, with about 50 other people, we packed enough food to feed 109 kids for a year. This is always a great time. Thanks to those who participated!

Pancake Breakfast

Thank you to everyone who supported the Luther Crest campers through the Pancake Breakfast fundraiser. We really appreciate it!

Upcoming CYF Events

End of School Year Celebrations

It’s hard to believe the end of the Sunday school and Confirmation year is already here! Be sure to sign up for Vacation Bible School and watch for upcoming youth events to stay connected with your church friends.

  • Confirmation End of Year Celebration – May 3rd, 6:00-7:20pm

  • Sunday School End of Year Celebration – May 7th, 10:45-11:30am

Vacation Bible School

Join us this summer for Vacation Bible School. It’s open to all pre-K (potty trained) through 6th grade youth. Older youth are invited to help. To ensure adequate supplies, we ask that you sign up for Vacation Bible School now. Register today!


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Oak Knoll Lutheran Church

600 Hopkins Crossroad, Minnetonka, MN 55305   

Church Office: 952-546-5433 

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