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Writer's pictureOak Knoll Lutheran Church

CYF Faith Formation Update

Written by Christina Black, Children, Youth, & Family Ministry Director

Parents' Drop & Shop

At the beginning of December, our youth going to the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans spent an afternoon playing with children as their parents enjoyed an afternoon to themselves. The weather was nice, so they played outside, ate snacks, watched movies, and played bingo. A special thanks to Katy Johnson and Jessica Laabs for leading the fundraiser! We will be planning another Parents’ Night Out shortly—watch for a survey to find the best time!

Breakfast with Santa & Crafts

It was another successful morning of crafts during Breakfast with Santa. Thanks to the confirmation students who helped guide the little kids and those who stayed to clean up.

Bake Sale - Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who purchased yummy goods from our youth during our bake sale. Your generosity is helping to fund their Bible camp and Youth Gathering experiences this summer!

Animal Tales

If you couldn’t make it to the youth Christmas program, it is worth watching on YouTube! The youth and Sunday school kids did a terrific job. A special shout out to Adam Moore and Clay Haapala for their fantastic involvement. Thank you to everyone who participated and to all the parents and leaders that helped.

Youth Holiday Party

Our confirmation and high school youth had a great night of fun at our December Youth Holiday Party. We started the evening with pizza—all sitting at the same table this time! We moved into a white elephant gift exchange with some interesting gifts, including an Eiffel Tower statue, shoe inserts, recipe cards, and more. Next, the kids built gingerbread creations. John Cochran stopped by to serve as our guest judge. Winners included sturdiest, most outrageous, and most creative.

Upcoming CYF Events

Faith Formation Resumes—January 10th

Wednesday night confirmation will resume January 10th at 6pm with our normal format. Sunday school will resume January 14th at 9:45am.


It’s not too late for youth to join in Sunday school or confirmation! Just reach out to me at


Sunday School/Confirmation Dinner & Family Night—January 10th, 6pm

All Sunday school children and their families are invited to join the confirmation youth and their families for a meal in Fellowship Hall. Following dinner, confirmation students will resume their regular confirmation schedule, and Sunday school youth and families will be invited to join in a special activity. We hope these evenings will offer a chance for families to get to know each other and build a greater community. Sign up now!


Youth Night: Game Night—January 14th, 6:30pm

All confirmation and high school youth are invited to the January youth night. We will be sharing a meal and playing a variety of games. Sign up now!


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