Written by Christina Black, Children, Youth, & Family Ministry Director
Salt of the Earth
At January’s Dinner & Family Night we learned how we can be the salt of the Earth. We decorated glass “salt” jars to remind us of this throughout the year by writing down important memories, ways we can be salt, and where we’ve seen God.
Reader Helper
It’s always fun when the older kids in Sunday school want to help!

Creating Masterpieces
We enjoyed a calm youth night full of painting this month. After we explored famous religious paintings, each youth took paint to canvas to create their own artwork. The voted-on favorite was Abnormal Day by Joey Longo.
Upcoming Events:
Second Grade Bible Milestone Class – February 2nd
In anticipation of the second grade Bible milestone on February 9th, we will be holding two mandatory classes for children and their parents. The second one will be on February 2nd at 10:45am. If you have any questions, reach out to Christina Black at christina.black@oklutheran.org. All second graders are invited to participate in this milestone.
4th and 5th Grade Faith Milestone – March 2nd
Our 4th and 5th graders will help lead worship service on March 2nd as part of their faith milestone journey.