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Writer's pictureOak Knoll Lutheran Church

Council Update

Greetings to all Oak Knoll members and friends! It’s the first day of summer as I write this update and it sure feels like it outside. Here’s hoping you have some wonderful plans for this summer. Our last council meeting was a productive one and several topics were discussed. After the minutes of last month’s meeting and the treasurer’s report were approved, a few Old Business topics were discussed.

Regarding the topic of additional areas of the roof that need to be replaced, it was decided to move forward and accept a bid for the roof area above the preschool from the company that replaced the Sanctuary area roof recently. This preschool area of

the roof has experienced numerous leaks this past year and the company that was awarded the project presented a report showing the areas affected. The plan is to have this replaced no later than this fall before the weather starts to turn cold. Funding for this project will come from a current memorial Oak Knoll received earlier. Other areas will need to be addressed in the coming years, but this area was by far the one needing immediate attention.

The council is also discussing ways to engage youth in discussions about the challenges that they and their friends face in the world today through their events and activities and to better support them. Details to follow.

Sanctuary speakers update – The new speakers have been ordered, per the discussion in last month’s newsletter, and are scheduled to arrive at the end of this month. The company installing them will then partner with the electrician to install them after they arrive. Hopefully we will be hearing improved audio during the services sometime this July!

The last Old Business item covers the ongoing goal of providing programs and events that showcase the many great offerings at Oak Knoll. One of the main focuses will be “Community” and how to strengthen the ties we have amongst ourselves as members of Oak Knoll. Our current list includes focusing on small groups and making them more established and fun, Prime Timers’ events, similar to what was offered in the past, and involving the youth and the seniors together, to name a few. Oak Knoll has seen great success already with events like the community meal, Trunk or Treat, Sharing Garden, and the recent rummage sale. Let’s build on that momentum!

For New Business, it’s official, as most of you know already – Matt Cerar accepted the Music Director’s position and has signed the contract! From what I’ve been hearing, it was a good move. Matt has already been busy planning the entire next season for choir and special music that includes several instrumental ingredients.

The Sharing Garden has greatly expanded this summer and it looks great. Hats off to the Sharing Garden Committee for all their hours and dedication.

Pastor Michele shared in New Business the successes of the rummage sale, the spring clean-up, and Vacation Bible School that just wrapped up last week. Many thanks to all who participated!

For the Pastors Report, Pastor Michele was the sole attendee, with Pastor Jay on sabbatical until end of July and Intern Ben on a deserved 2-week vacation. She reported that Intern Ben has graduated seminary but still needs to go through final examinations by the synod and a few other steps, but she stated, “he will do great”. She also wanted to thank Pastor Steve for the wonderful job he has done as our bridge pastor. Also, our next community meal will be August 3rd and will feature a dance party with a DJ. Any help with this event would be appreciated.

Lastly, I want to thank the staff at Oak Knoll for their support! They also do many things behind the scenes that are much appreciated. Blessings to you and Happy Summer!

John Burman, 2023 Church Council President



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