Greetings Oak Knoll members and friends,
Greetings to Oak Knoll members and friends!
The trees are changing and the colors are vibrant. The temperatures are cooling and fall activities are underway. This time of year the sky is bluer than any other time, and the beauty of nature is abundant.
Our Church Council met October 15th, and we were excited to hear about the work of the Generosity team. “Rooted in Generosity” is the theme this year, and you will soon be hearing more on the hopes and goals to sustain and grow the roots of our Oak Knoll community. We especially loved all the pictures and the honeycomb design by Meg Gumbiner, great work team! We pray that everyone will consider how we can each generously bring our gifts to Oak Knoll in the upcoming year.
There is a new bench by the vegetable gardens thanks to an estate gift, and we approved the Memorial and Endowment committees decision to purchase a new oven and stove in our kitchen. These are exciting updates to look forward to enjoying. The new roof over the Sunday school area will begin in October and should be done by the time you are reading this!
We are researching and looking into having solar panels on our roof, and our initial meetings look exciting and promising. More to come on that.
Finally, we wish to extend our deep gratitude to Ryan Thompson who served for so many years as head usher. This is an important role as ushers are the first people most see when coming into our doors and they are the people who keep an eye on the service and surroundings, helping wherever is needed. We are in need of ushers to volunteer, please let us know if this is a way you could serve our community!
In hope and peace,
Erika Vickerman