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Beacon Housing Update: Stronger Together

The Oak Knoll Beacon committee wants to keep the congregation informed on a variety of issues involving Beacon and affordable housing, The following article appeared in the June 2023 Beacon Interfaith Housing Newsletter.

Stronger Together – Beacon partners with 180 Degrees at Great River Landing

Great River Landing is Beacon’s 72-unit supportive housing development in Minneapolis that opened in 2019, with a primary focus on providing homes for men exiting incarceration or otherwise impacted by the criminal justice system. These homes demonstrate a crucial, innovative investment by our community to confront the intersecting inequities of the housing, employment, and criminal justice systems that lock too many people out of the dignity and security of a home.

For men exiting incarceration, who are primarily African American and other people of color, establishing stability is met with an overwhelming number of systemic roadblocks. In fact, people of color exiting incarceration have higher rates of returning to prison due to these roadblocks. It’s evident that racism and implicit bias leads too many men into housing instability. For many, having a criminal record means you are locked out of opportunities to have a home and get a job.

Introducing our partners at 180 Degrees

We are excited to announce a new partnership to bring strength and stability to the community of residents at Great River Landing (GRL). On March 1, 2023, 180 Degrees, a Minneapolis-based social services agency with a 50-year history serving men rebuilding lives following incarceration, became the onsite service provider at GRL. They bring expertise delivering trauma-responsive, strength-based services in residential settings.

180 Degrees creates safe spaces and services that honor each individual’s healing journey and works towards the vision that every person can experience hope for the future and reach their full potential. We are delighted to share the vision of Great River Landing alongside this exceptional partner!


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